Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sports Cars & The Moose Lodge

Ferrari CEO says 2008 will be a record-breaking year for sales. Is there something wrong with this? I certainly don’t begrudge folks what they earn and the pleasures they derive from such, but the gap between the rich and not so rich has grown larger and appears more blatant than I ever remember it to be. What seems worse, opportunities enabling the not so rich to achieve more seem to shrink daily. This on top of the current bail out; my Grandfather, would have been sad and probably more than a bit angry. He fought for the common man and helped form a union. He voted for Eugene V. Debs and I still treasure his gift of a well-used copy of Upton Sinclair’s, The Jungle. He was inspiration for my professional ambitions to play a role in helping create a better world in my own unique way. He might have been a bit extreme but it was out of true concern for common folk.

He came out of the backwoods of Idaho, a common laborer. Responding to the needs of a handicapped child he and his young wife moved to a city to be near medical care. He went to work as a heat plant worker supporting a wife and three children. They owned a home but were never rich in a monetary sense. He cut hair of family and friends and shared vegetables from a huge garden. They befriended refugees from Germany and were loyal Moose Lodge members contributing to their community. It’s sad that many today may think those simple human gestures small. My grandparent’s passions were for people, not things. They exhibited graciousness, never greed. I was lucky to have their impact on my life.

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